Today something different, a DIY!
If you read my blog you already know that I was bored with my mom jeans. There was nothing special or unique about that jeans so I decided to rip it and to give it a real 'I AM YASS' touch to it. It's a very simple DIY and the only things you need is a pair of scissors, tweezers and your creativity. If you don't know where to put the cuts, go to pinterest or weheartit for inspiration. I'm not going to show you guys how to rip your jeans because there are already tons of tutorials on youtube. Oh yeah, you probably noticed a grey sweater on the photo above. Hopefully there will be another DIY very soon.
Get creative babes and show me yours by tagging me on instagram or by sending me an e-mail with the result. I would love to see it!
See the result after the jump.