maandag 18 november 2013
Hello pretty people!
Today something totalllllly new for me. A beauty post! I don't do this very often just because I don't wear any make-up. Sometimes I just put on some BB cream from garnier or Self bronzing cream from Kruidvat.

But when it comes to my hair I have to put some care in it. 

The first product I use is 100% Pure Coconut Oil. It is the BEST product ever made! My hair just doesn't stop growing! 

The method: I take one teaspoon of the oil. It is hard at room temperature so you have to melt it 'au bain marie'. After you melted the oil, you just part your hair in two (make sure to wear an old t-shirt) and smear it on your hair. Make sure to put more oil on your split/hair ends. Leave it on for one night and rinse it out the next morning make sure to use good shampoo and conditioner. (I bought this product in a shop called Beauty world based in Antwerp - price €4,95)

The other product is a coco's serum. 

The method: After washing my hair I put one drop of the serum on my handpalm and smear it out on the hair end (don't smear it on your scalp because if you do, your hair will look greasy. (This product I bought in Morocco for €2)

These are the two products I use the most. If you want me to do more of these post just comment and I will do my best to give my readers more of this.

And of course the result!


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Hi, it's Yasmine from 'I am Yass'.
Cross media management student and fashion editor at Aya Lifestyle Magazine with big blogging ambition.
You can always find me in Antwerp, the city of fashion.
I'm Belgium based but Moroccan raised! *proud*
Started blogging because of a depression. But now I'm fully recovered and happier than ever.
A little secret to add up; I'm a shoe-addict. -secret is out-

Every Monday-Wednesday-Friday-Sunday at 7a.m. a new post.

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IAMYASS. Mogelijk gemaakt door Blogger.